Donations of $35 or more make you an EcoForesters member.
Our membership program allows us to give back to you when you support the restoration and conservation of Appalachian forests!
Your support will ensure private landowners make wise planning decisions, conservation lands are restored, National Forests are supported, and the pressures of development and a changing climate do not permanently degrade future forests.

Become an EcoForesters Member Today!
When you make an annual gift of $35 or more, you become a Trillium supporter. Members at this level receive:
– Monthly e-newsletters and printed copies of the EcoForester
– EcoForesters sticker and bumper sticker
– Recognition in annual report and Spring edition of The EcoForester newsletter
When you make an annual gift of $75 or more, you become a Rhododendron supporter. Members at this level receive all of the benefits of the previous level, plus:
– One invite to guided hikes with EcoForesters staff
When you make an annual gift of $150 or more, you become a Dogwood supporter. Members at this level receive all of the benefits of the previous levels, plus:
– 1 invite to donor-only annual celebration
– Household invites to guided hikes with EcoForesters staff
When you make an annual gift of $500 or more, you become a Red Maple supporter. Members at this level receive all the benefits of the previous levels, plus:
– 2 invites to donor-only annual gala
– Name recognition as sponsors for special events
When you make an annual gift of $1000 or more, you become a White Oak supporter. Members at this level receive all the benefits of the previous levels, plus:
– Household invites to donor-only annual gala
– Featured sponsor listing at special events and annual celebration
Thank you for making a difference!